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RFQ: Purchasing Trailer
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Ad title: RFQ: Purchasing Trailer
Provided By: Land O`Lakes Venture37
Published: 19 September / Deadline: 01 October
Attached File: 582906_Land_O_Lakes_Venture37___RFQ___Purchasing_Trailer_5062329.zip
Land O`Lakes Venture37 is pleased to announce an opening for the RFQ: Purchasing Trailer.

RFQ Number: GFP-2024-PROC-0116
RFQ Title: Purchasing Trailer
Date Issued: 9/17/2024
Issuing Office: Tbilisi, Georgia
Closing Date: 17:00 Georgian Local Time on 10/1/2024

See full text in the attached file.

Please submit electronic proposals to Lkasrashvili@landolakes.com and SQILbizops@landolakes.com with the RFQ referenced in the subject line. Late proposals will not be accepted. Interested proponents can provide questions and points for clarification regarding this RFQ electronically through the aforementioned emails.

Land O`Lakes Venture37 reserves the right to select any or none of the bidders for receipt of this contract. Land O`Lakes Venture37 reserves the right to cancel or reissue this RFQ.
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